Rose beauties of our garden
Stroll into the backyard during rose season to be welcomed by fragrance, beauty and variety. Not much rhyme or reason to it, but certainly love.
Will our climbers imitate the arbors and trellises my master-gardener Dad tended? Probably not, but we’re working on it! In the shrub garden, you’ll find irresistible roses by David Austin, easier-to-grow roses of Texas A & M’s Earth-kind cultivars, and a few Old World selections.
belinda’s dream


desiree parmentier

DuchessE de bRAbrant

Gertrude jekyll




lady ashe

La marne

Princess alexandria of kent

spirit of freedom

the fairY

Our garden also includes (with pics to come):
Beautiful! I can smell them from here. I just came inside from working with my roses. Praise God for the beauty in nature He has given us.
Praise God indeed! He is The Creator. The Gardener. We just sub-garden, and I’m so glad we get to!